—— 基于新发现梵文写本的文献学研究 Mūlamadhyamakakārikā and Buddhapālita's Commentary:
A Philological Study on the Basis of Newly Identified Sanskrit Manuscripts
作者:叶少勇 Ye Shaoyong
梵文贝叶经与佛教文献系列丛书 ①
中西书局 2011.9
16开本,12 + 202 + 7页 ISBN 978-7-5475-0296-9
《中论颂》 —— 梵藏汉合校·导读·译注 Mūlamadhyamakakārikā: New Editions of the Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese Versions, with Commentary and a Modern Chinese Translation
作者:叶少勇 Ye Shaoyong
段晴、释了意主编 梵藏汉佛典丛书 ①
中西书局 2011.6
32开本,32 + 516页
ISBN 978-7-5475-0239-6